Pro/con analysis of “good things happening”

PRO: A good thing might happen
CON: I will be perceived and discussed, leading to some sort of disaster

RESULTS: Mild anhedonia, a deep sense of foreboding, eating lots of bagels

10 thoughts on “Pro/con analysis of “good things happening”

  1. Ivars Ozols

    This may or may not be about a/the book (in some kind of way)… I hope it is. And I hope it’s about Barhu šŸ™‚

  2. Jay B.

    Regardless of the circumstance, I am glad the Good Thing may well happen! While the the anhedonia and looming perception are distinctly unfortunate (and all too familiar for myself), here’s hoping the Good Thing will be worth it

  3. Mayticks

    I’m also eating a lot of bagels and feeling the stress of good things happening!
    Recommendation : toast the bagel in a sandwich press, remove, smear a nice layer of basil pesto and then finish with a layer of creamy goat cheese. This messy treat is proven to improve mental health!

    Sending love and strength from a lil Australian queer artist x

    – Mayticks

  4. Dana C.

    Hey, I love your work! And I am thinking of writing my MA thesis on Disidentification as an act of resistance and how Baru employs it. I am so so looking forward to the final novel, no pressure, but would love to pick your brain re: academic sources (Fanon, for instance?) if you ever have time or interest. Again, NO pressure I just think your novels are incredibly important and well-researched, and intend to convince people of that! Thanks so much for the first three.

    1. Seth Post author

      You can pick my brain any time! You may be disappointed by the lint and loose Lego bricks you find in there though

  5. Jett

    sorry if this is a wild place to give you a compliment on but i am in the middle of Exordia right now and read the masquerade series (up until the middle of Tyrant bc i am too sad to see it end right now) and I have like SEVERE dyslexia. it is NOT easy for me to read books regularly but god your work, your style of writing just blows me away every single time. I would read your grocery list if you were to publish it. And I am always pushing my friends into reading your work when I find out they haven’t. I’ve convinced at least 5 people into reading Exordia alone. That’s all, sorry! Just wanted to tell you how baller you all at this writing shit.

    1. Seth Post author

      I’m glad you like my style! I struggle with it a lot. I am impressed you got through it with dyslexia, sometimes I can’t bear my own prose and I’m lexic!

      I do not have a grocery list to give you but at least here is a comment at least. Thank you for pushing my book on the unawares, it genuinely does make a difference


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